
13.11.2024 |
Hungarian Activist defends NGOs despite police raid
For Veronika Móra, the fall of the Berlin Wall was just the beginning. At the upcoming Impact Summit, she will share how the fight for democracy and the environment is ongoing and never truly ends.
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24.10.2024 |
Breivik attack survivor now helps fight extremism
Bjørn Ihler has survived a terrorist attack in his youth. A personal experience influenced his decision to start helping victims of extremism. At this year’s Impact Summit, he will talk about where denial of difference and diversity can lead, including how to create space for dialogue in a divided society, and how to find trust in people and the world.
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10.09.2024 |
We don’t trust institutions or each other in Slovakia. Trust as the central theme of this year’s Impact Summit
We are acutely aware of the state our country is in. Society is divided into camps, constructive solutions are being squeezed out by populism, and the civil sector, together with the rule of law, is facing a lot of pressure.
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06.12.2023 |
Impact Summit welcomed the advisor of President Barack Obama as well as an academic authority on social innovation
The event brought together over 250 people from civil society, business and government. Impact Summit also created an opportunity for conversations on topical issues such as recession of democracy, local engagement and social innovation.
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27.11.2023 |
From transparency to the climate crisis: Who makes our country better?
We present the changemakers from Slovak civil society organizations.
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23.11.2023 |
Democracy and citizens: how to increase people’s engagement at the local level?
The challenges facing the world in recent years are bringing about a recession of democracy and increasingly contributing to the polarisation of society. It is local governments that are proving to be more credible than national governments, because they have the ability to actively involve citizens and to respond both flexibly and innovatively to urgent […]
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16.11.2023 |
New perspective at the role of public administration in promoting democracy
Udržanie a posilnenie demokracie, ktorá je pre všetkých, je vecou a zodpovednosťou nás všetkých. Nielen politikov, političiek, ale aj občianskej spoločnosti a ľudí pôsobiacich vo verejnej správe. Na Impact Summite preto výstúpia riaditelia Multitudes Foundation, Sarah Durieux a Jeff Kwasi Klein. Hovoriť budú o inovatívnom pohľade na úlohu občianskej spoločnosti a štátu pri podpore demokracie. 14:20 – […]
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08.11.2023 |
Collective process increases likelihood of success, writes Johanna Mair
Quick pathways to impactful solutions are rare. Forming coalitions and prioritising collaboration over individual action can slow the implementation of social innovation. However, a collective process increases the likelihood of an innovation’s success in the long run.
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07.11.2023 |
Political innovations: a necessity for democracy and a bogeyman for authoritarian leaders
Johanna Mair, a Stanford professor, describes the new concept of political innovation in the Stanford Social Innovation Review. It was developed in response to the recession of democracy, which has been accompanied by an increase in polarization, authoritarianism and social conflict (1). This concept emphasizes that innovation can be an effective means of addressing the political problems that constrain democracy.
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06.10.2023 |
President Barack Obama’s advisor to speak at Impact Summit
Ben Rhodes will provide a global perspective on the recession of democracy, and we will also welcome an academic from Stanford University and public figures from Slovakia.
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28.09.2023 |
Social innovations and democracy will be the main themes of the Impact Summit
The conference will bring together people from business, civil society and government. Together they will seek solutions to key challenges facing society.
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