Rastislav Blažej
Rastislav Blažej started in Slovenská sporiteľňa and is responsible for the programme for start-up entrepreneurs (www.zacinamepodnikat.sk), the programme for civic organisations and social economy entities (https://www.slsp.sk/neziskovky), assistance in solving financial problems for families in difficult life situations, self-help construction in socially and spatially excluded communities (https://projektdomov.sk) and affordable rental housing.
Previous work experience Rasto gained in product management at Slovenska Sporitelna, as well as at another bank where he introduced mobile and internet services, and at a consultancy company where he worked with several clients in CEE.
Impact Summit:
15:10 – 15:55 Cooperation between public, corporate and civil sector (Rastislav Blažej, Michal Hladký, Michaela Kršková; hosted by Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová)