Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová
Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová is talk show and event host. She is interested in gender, as well as other inequalities, current affairs, history, culture and politics.
Veronika is hosting Silná zostava, a female-centered, executed, and led discussion covering topics that the society is talking about, which runs on the Slovak public TV channel, RTVS.
She also host of Sitdown s Veronikou talk show – interviewing interesting women with a purpose, and famous men that do not shy away from public responsibility.
Veronika worked as a news reporter focusing on the healthcare system for the Evening News at TV Markíza.
She lived and studied in Paris, France, as well as in New York, USA. She graduate of New York University, with a summa cum laude degree (top 5 per cent of the class) in Politics and History.
An avid social media user who likes to use her platform to voice important matters.